Thursday, November 15, 2012


When I look at different cities across United States or or in other countries such as Japan, China, India, United Kingdom, Australia, etc. San Francisco always comes ahead in innovation. San Francisco - Silicon Valley, the hub of technology, the hot-bed of innovation, the home of Inter-Galactic Ship, Enterprise, is perfect.

But I think, the city does have some problems, we do have some problems. We see it everyday when we leave the our apartment and drive on the road or walk on the pedestrian or ride the bike or take the bart or muni in the city. Yes, it’s the problem if homelessness. There are more than 5000 homeless people amidst this highly advanced city of San Francisco.

Innovation is defined as a new or more effective thinking or process or product or services to solve the known or unarticulated problems to create or develop the values for the customers.

So, yes there are areas such as such as Public Transportation, Safety & security, creating more jobs, creating better platform for innovation, along with the mammoth problem of homelessness, which are seeking some innovation.

We, You and I, as an individual and as a group need to come up with the innovative solution in these areas if we seek to innovate SF. It doesn’t matter which area you are in, whether you are a techie guy or a realtor or an attorney or businessmen or a designer, whichever profession you are in, you can contribute towards innovation.

I look back to find what does it take to be innovative. Based on my experiences and out of retrospection, I came up with following 5 things to keep in mind to become innovative.

  1. Immerse to understand the problem.
  2. Don’t settle to think different
  3. Be curious
  4. Dare to Try what you think of
  5. Embrace the failure, because it’s not failure but it’s a learning which takes you closer to innovation.

At the end, Innovation is not an end but the means towards solution, better life

So, let’s together innovate SF for better solution, better life.

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